Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Foundation is in 40 countries with its services…
Be like earth. Earth is sincere. It grows roses in its heart for the nightingale. It grows colorful flowers out of thorns for new day
Be like wind. The wind is generous. It delivers many a seed to the hearts from place to place.
Seeds become love and flow into the sad and sorrowful chests.
Be like river. River is brotherhood. It provides life to the thirsty tongues.
It becomes a smile on sad faces and spritual flavor for the loving hearts (WATER WELLS)
Be like the sun. the sun is mercy. There is no house that it does not enter and leaves in dark…
In every poor house where the sun enters, the cauldrons boil every other day (SOOP KITCHENS)
Be a lover. Love means sacrifice… The hearts are the home of the beloved…
Gather roses in the hearts which are the place of Divine sight…
This journey is the ultimate union of a drop with the sea. It is the seed spread in 1985 on the slope of Hüdayi. It is a seed with many grains in its every ear…
When Allah bestows His blessings, would not there be any servant asking for it?
With its sea, seagulls, and the heartbroken people, Üsküdar is enamored with Hüdayi…
No matter if we know or do not know, the helpers and the migrants are the ones that unite us in our fate…
In order to cure the hearts and be a remedy for the sorrows, we set out to our journey and wear the roads… (FOOD AND SUPPLY AIDS)
The sultan of the eleven months arrives with prayers. Hands are raised for prayers. Hearts and tongues are adorned with prayers. The traces of prayers are on chapped lips and the blessing of Allah is in the houses. It is prescribed by Allah the generous… (IFTAR MEALS, PROVISION BOXES IN RAMADAN)
This writing, which has begun to be written based on the sincerity of the Prophet Abraham, extends to eternity with a submission like the submission the Prophet Ismail…
Allah is the true owner of shares and the writ written by the Divine pen is a right upon us. (SACRIFICIAL ANIMALS-QURBAN SERVICES)
The first command is hidden in the rocks of the cave of Hira. The first command began to talk in the house of Arkam and the trust of Arkam sprouts in the care of Muslim ummah… (EDUCATION AIDS)
When the patience gets mixed with secret, a fish revives between the two seas. It is the time to meet with Hizir, a servant having Divine secret mentioned in the Word of Allah… Hizir is sometimes in the tears of an orphan, sometimes in the ruins, and sometimes on the top of a smoky mountain.
Time bears both difficulty and easiness. The servant of Allah reaches both the day and night, but the hearts dampened by the rain of sincerity move by love of the beloved…