Our foundation undertakes joint projects in Turkey and abroad with İGEDER (Volunteer Trainers Association of Istanbul), which was founded by volunteer teachers in order to contribute to personal, professional and social development of teachers, conducts scientific research and produces reports about education.
Our foundation supports activities of and cooperates with İSAR (Istanbul Research and Education) Foundation, whose main purpose is to raise qualified Muslim scholars for Turkey and Islamic world, and which accepts students placed in social sciences, engineering and medicine faculties with high points in the university exams. Students of İSAR Foundation learn Arabic at a level that will allow them to read and understand main texts of our religion, along with English.
Another institution with which our foundation cooperates is HÜNER (Servant University Students, Qualified Trainers and Guides) Association that serves youths studying in cities other than Istanbul through various organizations and activities so that they become enlightened individuals equipped with knowledge and high moral values.
Leader Education Youth and Sport Club Association is another non-governmental organization which we cooperate with and carries out activities in the field of “Child and Youth Services” and adopted as its purpose to raise a generation that adheres to national and moral values.
HÜDAYİM is the alumni association of our foundation, with the aim of strengthening the sense of belonging of former graduates, thousands of people who spent part or whole of their education or working life at our foundation, and strengthening their ties with their institution.
Some of the institutions that we cooperate in other countries on project basis are: “FOSAPA” in Burkina Faso, “ACAMAS” in Cameron, “SENA” in Uganda and “Shogata Vellazerore Humanitare Kulturore İstanbul” in Albania…